The Alliance, a 120-minute action & suspense thriller recently debuted to VIP audiences in Seattle, Washington, garnering praise for its story-line, casting, directing, and acting. Based on Robert L. Butlers award-winning screenplay the Alliance, the film features 54 local actors in an ensemble cast that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish.
The one-man production company known as Robert L. Butler, Jr. says that his favorite accomplishment of the film was his ability to work one-on-one with individual talent to customize each actors role, a decision Butler believes allowed each character to come across as more genuine and believable. Butler points to actor Ben Leiataua as a great example of character development. Leiataua, a Samoan-American actor with numerous screen roles as Hispanic and African-American’s, had never been offered a role true to his heritage. For his character in the Alliance, Butler specifically allowed Leiataua screen-time dialogue to be delivered in Samoan, which gave authenticity to the role.
The independent film is currently appearing in numerous film festivals across the country, while Butler himself works on additional edits to prepare the movie for an eventual distribution deal.
Robert L. Butler, Jr. wrote, directed, and stars in the Alliance, a hard-hitting tale of violent betrayal and brutal revenge in the tradition of Melvin Van Peebles and Quentin Tarantino.
The Alliance stars Butler as the main character, Breeze, one of three once-rivals who enter into an alliance in order to keep-the-peace and allow the lucrative business of illicit gains to go unhindered. After years of peaceful operations, violence returns, forcing Breeze to revisit his old ways of extreme retribution.
For his revenge extravaganza, Butler cast several well-known Seattle actors in leading roles. Talent such as Michael E. Bell, S. Joe Downing, and Jeffrey E. Lewis to name just a few of the artists who gave stand-out performances in the film. Butler’s ability to bring together an ensemble cast of both established and up & coming artists in a well-oiled production is a testimony to his skill as one of Seattle’s next big directors.
Butler’s choice of music director was also spot-on, bringing in producer Alonzo Carrillo and Thaartist Kali, whose soundtrack has already won multiple festival awards.
The Alliance screenplay is available at
Robert L. Butler, Jr. is reachable by the following methods ~
IG robertlbutlerjr